In The Flower Garden In August
Water Camellias and Rhododendrons thoroughly to ensure that next year’s buds develop well.
Deadhead Lilies for a better flower display next year.
Make sure your patio container plants are well watered. Feed them with a liquid fertiliser every fortnight.
Stake tall or top-heavy dahlias and lilies to prevent them being damaged by wind or rain.
Prune climbing and rambling Roses once they’ve finished flowering (leave them be if they are repeat-flowering).
Top Tip:
Trim and feed hanging baskets to keep them looking lovely. They will need some TLC after working so hard setting flowers all summer!
This Month's Key Tips
- Give hedges a final trim before they stop growing.
- Cut back any herbs to encourage a new flush of tasty leaves that you can harvest before the frost. You can dry or freeze excess herbs for later!
- Watch out for adult frogs and toads leaving the pond. Keep the pond topped up with water from your water butts!
- Trim and feed hanging baskets to keep them looking lovely. They will need some TLC after working so hard setting flowers all summer!
- Cut back the fruited canes of your summer raspberries, leave the new green canes for next year.