
In The Flower Garden In March

Prune roses now to encourage strong new growth as well as feeding them with special rose feed or a balanced fertiliser as they come into growth.

Feed trees, shrubs and hedges with a slow-release fertiliser by lightly forking it in to the soil surface.

Plant out summer-flowering bulbs.

Prune early-flowering Clematis once their flowers have finished and summer-flowering ones before they start into active growth.

Top dress containers with fresh compost.

Cut back cornus and salix grown for colourful winter stems.

Continue to deadhead winter pansies to stop them setting seed. This will encourage flushes of new flowers throughout the spring.

Top Tip:

Fertilise your beds. Once your soil is workable, dig a 5cm (or more) layer of compost or well-rotted manure into your beds to prepare for the growing season ahead. You can also work in a general purpose fertilser such as pelleted chicken manure or fish, blood and bone.

This Month's Key Tips
  • Protect new shoots from slug damage.
  • Plant out summer flowering bulbs.
  • Start to feed pond fish.
  • Refresh the surface soil in planted pots.
  • Clean up paths, patios and decking.
  • Hoe and mulch weeds to keep them under control early.