
In The Flower Garden In October

Cut back any perennial plants that have died down. Alternatively, keep the dead foliage where it is to provide a shelter for wildlife.

Prune climbing and rambling roses once they’ve finished flowering. Also tie in the stems before they can be damaged by autumn winds.

Clear up the fallen rose leaves to prevent diseases from over-wintering. Don’t compost the leaves, as this could spread damaging fungi.

If you are planning to plant hedges and/or move trees and shrubs, this month is the best time.

Clear overhanging plants from pathways to maintain access around the garden.

Top Tip:
Mulch borders after tidying with bark chips, well rotted manure or leaf mould. This will keep the plant roots warm and keep weeds in check over the winter.

This Month's Key Tips
  • Mulch borders after tidying with bark chips, well rotted manure or leaf mould. This will keep the plant roots warm and keep weeds in check over the winter.
  • Reuse old grow bags by cutting away the top and sowing late salad crops. Cropping can be extended into winter if grown under glass, cloches, or polytunnels.
  • Remove any citrus trees indoors and put them in a bright, frost-free position away from cold draughts and radiators.
  • Reuse compost from annual containers as mulch in the garden!
  • Clear out nest boxes if you haven't already. Birds don't hibernate and need lots of energy to keep themselves warm at night. Consider moving the clean nest box into the shed.