
In The Flower Garden This February

Cut back shrubs, such as cornus and salix cultivars, down to their bases.

Prune wisteria now, cutting back summer side-shoots to 2 or 3 buds.

Remove faded flowers from winter pansies to stop them setting seed. This will encourage a flush of new flowers when weather warms up.

Lift and divide snowdrops still ‘in the green’, if you want to move them or create more plants.

Trim winter-flowering heathers as the flowers disappear, to prevent plants becoming leggy.

Prune winter-flowering jasmine after flowering, to encourage new growth for next year’s blooms. Cut back the previous year’s growth to 5cm from the old wood.

Take notice of your climbers, as some may need pruning before the end of the month.

There’s still plenty of time to prune your rhododendron while they’re in their dormant stage.

Top Tip:

Move any deciduous trees or shrubs that need repositioning now, provided the soil is not frozen or waterlogged.

This Month's Key Tips
  • Prepare vegetable seed beds and sow some vegetables undercover.
  • Net fruit and vegetable crops to keep birds away.
  • Prune winter-flowing shrubs if they have finished flowering.
  • Prune wisteria and hardy evergreen hedges.
  • Cut back deciduous grasses left uncut over winter.