In The Fruit Garden This April
Top-dress patio fruit trees with fresh compost and a slow-release fertiliser.
Protect fruit blossom from late frosts by covering them with hoticultural fleece on cold nights.
Mulch fruit trees with well-rotted manure or garden compost, taking care not to mound mulch up around the trunk.
Try hand pollinating peaches and nectarines with a soft-brisled paint brush for better crops this year.
Feed raspberry canes, fruit bushes and fruit trees to encourage good crops this season. Apply a slow-release fertilser around their base.
Now is the ideal time to plant pot-grown fruit trees and bushes.
Damp down or mist citrus plants regularly when flowering begins. Maintain a min temperature of 14°C (57°F).
Top Tips:
Spray the emerging leaves of peach and nectarine trees to prevent peach leaf curl. Sheltering your plants from the rain will also help reduce the risk of peach leaf curl.
This Month's Key Tips
- Keep weeds at bay using a weedkiller.
- Tie in climbing plants for extra support.
- Plant out new strawberry beds.
- Sow hardy annuals seeds directly into the ground.
- Start to mow the lawn more regularly.