In The Fruit Garden This October
Divide congested clumps of rhubarb by digging up and splitting into several pieces with a spade. Re-plant the healthiest looking pieces.
Clear the straw from around the base of strawberry plants to increase ventilation. Shear back old foliage to encourage fresh new growth.
Move citrus trees indoors to a bright, frost free position (4-12 degrees) away from cold draughts and radiators. Reduce watering in winter but don’t let the plant dry out completely.
If you haven’t done so already, cut back the fruited canes of your summer fruiting raspberries, leaving the new green canes for next year’s crop. Tie in next year’s raspberry canes to plant support wires or fencing.
Wrap grease bands around the trunks of apple trees to trap winter moth females whose caterpillars shred spring flowers.
Remove any diseased fruits from branches or the ground so they don’t infect next year’s crops.
Apply a winter wash to the trunks and branches of fruit trees to kill off overwintering pests.
Remove the netting from fruit cages to allow birds to catch and eat any pests that are lurking there.
Top Tip:
To test when apples are ripe, gentle lift them in the palm of your hand or give them a gentle pull, they should come away easily.
This Month's Key Tips
- Clear up fallen autumn leaves on a regular basis.
- Cut back perennials that have died down.
- Harvest fruit trees - apples and pears.
- Move tender plants into the greenhouse for winter.
- Renovate old lawns or create new grass areas by laying turf.