
In The Greenhouse This July

Harden off and plant out any plug plants that you’ve been growing on.

Try hanging sticky traps to catch flying pests to determine which pest control is needed.

Damp down your greenhouse on hot days to increase humidity and deter red spider mites.

Open vents and doors daily to provide adequate ventilation.

Use blinds or apply shade paint to prevent the greenhouse from overheating in sunny weather.

Tidy up fallen leaves and flowers to discourage the spread of fungal disease.

Keep an eye out for pests on plants, early treatment is best.

Top Tip:

Check plants daily. Water first thing in the morning or in the evening to reduce water loss through evaporation.

This Month's Key Tips
  • Water plants if dry daily, but be water-wise.
  • Deadhead bedding plants and flowering perennials.
  • Clear algae, blanket weed and debris from ponds.
  • Give the lawn a quick-acting summer feed.
  • Plpant second cropping potatoes now to give you new potatoes for Christmas.