
In The Home And Greenhouse In February

Keep your Cyclamen in a well-lit, cool place. Water from below.

Water houseplants lightly until they come into active growth.

Ensure sufficient light levels for houseplants.

Ensure greenhouse heaters are working properly.

Greenhouses can be ventilated on warmer days.

Sow sweet peppers for growing on in a heated greenhouse. Always provide plenty of warmth.

Grow your own basil on the windowsill. Use it to flavour your favourite Italian dishes.


Top Tip:

Grow your own Chrysanthemum plants from seed; start them off now in the greenhouse for the earliest blooms. 

This Month's Key Tips
  • Prepare vegetable seed beds.
  • Net fruit and vegetable crops to keep birds away.
  • Prune winter-flowering shrubs if they have finished flowering.
  • Prune Wisteria and hardy evergreen hedges.
  • Cut back deciduous grasses left uncut over winter.