
In The Home And Greenhouse In June

Check plants in your greenhouse daily and water them if the soil is dry.

Damp down your greenhouse on hot days to increase humidity. This also deters red spider mites.

Shade sensitive parts of houseplants from too much sun. Plants get sunburn too!

Water houseplants well. Heat and sun causes water to evaporate much faster from the soil.

Open greenhouse vents and doors on warm days.

Top Tip:
If your houseplants like humidity, mist them frequently through warm weather days.

This Month's Key Tips
  • Make the pond more wildlife-friendly by placing logs and stones around the edge for shelter.
  • Always water potted blueberries with rainwater. The lime in tap water reduces the acidity of the soil over time.
  • If your houseplants like humidity, mist them frequently through warm weather days.
  • Harvest flower heads from your lavender plants to use in baking, crafting, or as a garnish to your meals.
  • Protect crops from carrot fly by covering with horticultural fleece.
  • Keep your bird baths topped up with water in hot weather!