
In The Home and Greenhouse In March

Try growing plug plants in your greenhouse, they are ideal if you didn’t get round to sowing seed in good time earlier this season.

Pot up houseplants showing signs of being root-bound.

Don’t forget to give greenhouse plants more space as they put on new growth. This will help prevent disease, and to contain early pest infestations.

Check plants at least every few days, to see if they need watering. Seedlings will need daily attention.

Harden off half-hardy bedding plants that were started off under cover.

Open doors and vents on greenhouses to increase ventilation on warm, sunny days.

Move plants from the greenhouse to a cold frame before planting out to give them time to adjust to cooler temperatures.

Clean tools, pots and greenhouse staging – where necessary, use disinfectants to help control the spread of pests and diseases.


Top Tip:

Vine weevil larvae can be serious pest of containerised plants, and become active this month. Tip out the root-ball of suspect plants, and inspect for the creamy, orange-headed maggots, which tend to curl up into a C shape.

This Month's Key Tips
  • Remove weeds, thatch and moss from your lawns and improve drainage.
  • Plant summer flowering bulbs.
  • Protect new spring shoots from slugs.
  • Hoe and mulch weeds to keep them under control early.
  • Top dress containers with fresh compost.