
In The Veg Garden In August

Water sweetcorn plants regularly. Feed them with tomato food to get the best cobs.

Pinch out the tops of tomato plants to concentrate the growth into the fruit that has already formed. Aim to leave 5 or 6 trusses of fruit per plant.

Lift and dry onions, shallots, and garlic once the foliage has flopped over and yellowed. Store them in onion bags to prevent mould developing.

Harvest french and runner beans little and often. This prevents them becoming stringy and makes room for developing pods.

Thin out parsley to help it establish a good root system before winter. Leave 25cm between each plant.

Top Tip:
Cut back any herbs to encourage a new flush of tasty leaves that you can harvest before the frost. You can dry or freeze excess herbs for later!

This Month's Key Tips
  • Give hedges a final trim before they stop growing.
  • Cut back any herbs to encourage a new flush of tasty leaves that you can harvest before the frost. You can dry or freeze excess herbs for later!
  • Watch out for adult frogs and toads leaving the pond. Keep the pond topped up with water from your water butts!
  • Trim and feed hanging baskets to keep them looking lovely. They will need some TLC after working so hard setting flowers all summer!
  • Cut back the fruited canes of your summer raspberries, leave the new green canes for next year.