
In The Veg Garden In September

Keep harvesting your crops!! If you have more than you need, try freezing, drying, pickling, and storing so you can still use them later.

Continue to feed and water your french and runner beans. Keep harvesting little and often to prevent them setting seed.

For fresh herbs throughout the winter, pot up some mint and parsley for the kitchen windowsill.

Lift and store onions. Only the ripe bulbs will store well over winter; lift any remaining onion bulbs and place them in a spot with full sun to ripen them off.

If you have tomato plants outside, cut off a few leaves to expose the fruit to the sun to ripen them off quicker.

Top Tip:
Help pumpkins ripen in time for Halloween by removing any leaves shadowing the fruits. Raise your pumpkins and squashes off the ground to prevent rotting.


This Month's Key Tips
  • Apply mulch to protect your plants! Mulch helps keep soil from drying out, improves the texture and helps protect the roots of tender plants.
  • Help pumpkins ripen in time for Halloween by removing any leaves shadowing the fruits.
  • Harvest plums! If you have more than you need, freeze them!
  • Install water butts to collect rain over the autumn and winter months. Rain water is ideal for watering ericaceous plants such as rhododendrons and camellias. 
  • Bumblebees need food to get them through the autumn. Plan for late flowering plants in your garden to help them.