
In The Vegetable Garden In April

Prepare veg seed beds for the coming season by removing all weeds.

Cover prepared soil with sheets of black plastic; this will keep it drier and warmer in preparation for planting.

Support your pea plants now.

Thin your carrot seedlings to achieve larger carrots. As an added bonus, it’s best to do this in the evening when there are fewer carrot flies around.

Harvest asparagus spears when they are no more than 18cm tall.

Top Tip:

Dig around a 5 cm layer of compost, well-rotted manure, or green waste into beds.

This Month's Key Tips
  • Keep weeds under control. Run a hoe through beds and borders to remove weeds now.
  • Build raised beds so you don't need to bend when growing vegetables.
  • Sow new lawn seed now. Repair bare patches. Lay new turf this month.
  • Remove dirt from paths and paving before summer arrives.
  • Give your houseplants some TLC. The warmer weather and longer hours of light may mean they need more water.