
In The Vegetable Garden In March

Use sheets of black plastic to cover prepared soil. This keeps the soil warmer and drier, ready for planting.

Weed vegetable seed beds.

Weed and mulch asparagus beds. Weeding by hand is best, as the short roots can be damaged easily.

Buying veg plants is the easiest way to start a vegetable garden!

Top Tip:
Dig a 5cm layer of compost, well-rotted manure or green waste into vegetable beds. This will get them ready for the growing season!

This Month's Key Tips
  • Prune and feed roses now. Feed with a special rose feed or fertiliser as they come into growth.
  • Dig a 5cm layer of compost, well-rotted manure or green waste into vegetable beds. This will get them ready for the growing season!
  • Mulch fruit trees with well-rotted manure or compost. Do not mound mulch around the trunk!
  • Lay new turf when the ground isn't frozen or waterlogged.
  • There is still a lack of food in the wild so keep those bird feeders and trays topped up!