
In The Vegetable Garden This November

Lift parsnips after the first frosts, when their flavour will have sweetened.

Keep planting onion, shallot, and garlic sets. Dig overy heavy soils adding organic matter before planting.

Build a raised bed while the garden is clear to take the back-breaking bending out of vegetable growing.

Prepare a perennial vegetable bed to plant up with rhubarb plants and asparagus crowns.

Stake top-heavy brassica and leafy green plants. Draw up some soil around the base of their stem to prevent wind from rocking the plant and causing damage to the roots.

Place a scaffold plank on the ground along the main access route into your plot. This allows access but prevent the soil compacting as you walk across it.

Check stored potatoes and remove any that are rotting. Use hessian sacks to store your potatoes to allow the crop to beathe.

Top Tip:

Spread well rotted farm manure across the surface of your vegetable beds to rot down over winter.

This Month's Key Tips
  • Plant tulip bulbs for a spring display next year.
  • Clear up fallen leaves - especially from lawns, ponds and plant beds.
  • Plant out winter bedding plants.
  • Keep our feathered friends nourished with bird food.
  • Make sure outdoor pots and containers are protected from frost.