
In The Vegetable Garden This September

Pinch out the tips of outdoor cordon tomato plants to concentrate the plant’s energy into ripening fruits not producing further growth.

Pull or cut off the foliage of maincrop potatoes at ground level three weeks before lifting them. This will prevent blight spores infecting the tubers as you lift them and help to firm the skins of the potatoes.

Help pumpkins ripen in time for Halloween by removing any leaves shading the fruits.

Spread newly dug potatoes out to dry for a few hours before storing them in a cool dark place.

Keep feeding and watering french and runner beans to keep them producing. Continue harvesting little and often to prevent them setting seed.

Cut bean and pea plants away at ground level when they have finished cropping. Leave roots which will slowly release nitrogen back into the soil as they break down.

Pot up some mint and parsley for the kitchen windowsill, for fresh herbs through the winter.

Cover your brassicas with netting to prevent birds making a meal out of them.

Top Tip:

Harvest sweetcorn, To test if it’s ready, pinch a kernel, it will release a milky sap when ripe. If the kernels are starchy  you’ve left it too late, if they’re watery they need a little longer to ripen.

This Month's Key Tips
  • Plant spring flowering bulbs.
  • Net ponds before leaf fall gets underway.
  • Pick autumn raspberries.
  • Keep up with watering of new plants.
  • Plant trees and shrubs in autumn - will give them the best start to let the roots settle in before new spring growth.