
Other Jobs Around The Garden In March

Now is the ideal time to install a new pond or water feature.

Get rid of slimy patches on patios and paving.

Install water butts for the season ahead. Position them under a down pipe to make the most of rainfall.

Remove any pond netting left over from the autumn and winter.

Scrub watering cans with hot soapy water to prevent fungal diseases.

Begin weeding as the weather warms, it’s easier to control weeds if you remove them while they’re still young.

Start ventilating greenhouse and cold frames on warm sunny days.

Top Tip:

Build a compost bin before the growing season gets underway. If you already have one, check to see if there is any compost ready to use on vegetable beds.

This Month's Key Tips
  • Protect new shoots from slug damage.
  • Plant out summer flowering bulbs.
  • Start to feed pond fish.
  • Refresh the surface soil in planted pots.
  • Clean up paths, patio and decking.
  • Hoe and mulch weeds to keep them under control early.