
Other Jobs Around The Garden This April

Top up raised beds with compost and good quality topsoil.

Top dress containers with fresh compost. If your containers are already full, replace the top 5cm of old compost with fresh stuff.

Check compost bins to see if you have any compost that’s ready to use.

Remove dirt from your paths and paving before summer arrives. Use a pressure washer or special patio cleaner.

Look out for signs of pests and diseases, early prevention is easier than curing an infestation.

Invest in water butts. Position them under a downpipe to make the most of rainfall.

Top up bird baths and bird feeding stations to encourage birds into your garden.

Apply week killer to perennial weeds in paving and patios.

Top Tip:

Keep on top of weeding now that the weather is warming up. Run a hoe through beds and borders.

This Month's Key Tips
  • Keep weeds under control.
  • Tie in climbing plants for extra support.
  • Plant out new strawberry beds.
  • Sow hardy annual seeds directly into the ground.
  • Start to mow the lawn more regularly.