Other Jobs Around The Garden This August
Use a hedge trimmer to give your hedges a final trim before they stop growing.
Scoop floating weed and algae from ponds.
Plant floating pond plants, such as water lilies, in still water from splashing fountains.
Keep and eye out for white powdery mildew on plants. If possible, remove affected parts and spray with a fungicide to prevent further spread.
Remove rampant pond plants like bulrushes or irises before they go to seed and make the problem worse.
Prevent slugs attacking your young plants by using slug control.
Keep an eye out from scarlet lily beetles on you lilies, remove and crush any you see. Also check for sticky brown larvae on the underside of leaves.
Use water butts as mush as you can to water your plants. Recycle your water inside the house, collect washing up water in a bucket outside for watering beds and lawns.
Top Tip:
Turn the compost in you compost bins every month to keep it well aerated and to speed up decomposition.
This Month's Key Tips
- Deadhead flowering plants regularly.
- Keep ponds and water features topped up.
- Watering - particularly containers and new plants, preferably with recycled water or stored rainwater.
- Harvest vegetables regularly as they become ready to promote new growth.