
Other Jobs Around The Garden This June

Damp down your greenhouse on hot days to increase humidity and deter red spider mites.

Use water butts as much as possible and water your containers and baskets well in hot weather. Start to feed them with a balanced liquid fertiliser every 2 to 4 weeks.

Keep bird baths topped up in hot weather.

Open greenhouse vents and doors on warm days.

Invest in pest control to prevent slugs attacking young plants.

Check plants in your greenhouse daily and water them if the soil is dry.

Keep your cold frame from overheating by opening the lid on a hot day.

Top Tip:

Turn the compost in your bins every month to keep it well aerated.

This Month's Key Tips
  • Pinch out side shoots on tomatoes.
  • Hoe borders regularly to keep weeds down.
  • Mow lawns at least once a week.
  • Be water-wise.
  • Shade greenhouses to keep them cool and prevent scorch.
  • Prune spring flowering shrubs.