
Other Jobs Around The Garden This March

Get rid of slimy patches on patios and paving by scrubbing with a broom or blasting with a pressure washer.

Install a new pond or water feature.

Invest in a soil-testing kit if you don’t already know what type of soil you have. It will help you choose the right plants for your garden.

Remove any pond netting left over from the autumn/winter.

Resurface paths before plants start to grow and smother them.

Check containers to ensure the soil hasn’t dried out.

Top Tips:

Install water butts for the season ahead. Position them under a downpipe to make the most of the rainfall.

This Month's Key Tips
  • Start to feed pond fish.
  • Protect new shoots from slug damage.
  • Refresh the surace soil in planted pots.
  • Plant out summer flowering bulbs.
  • Clean up paths, patios and decking.