Other Jobs Around The Garden This May
Feed pond fish little and often.
Remove duckweed and blanket weed from ponds, and thin out both pondside perennials (if necessary) and submerged oxgenating pond plants. Leave any removed weeds beside your pond overnight to allow insects, snails and other pondlife to escape back into the water.
Clip evergreen hedges or low growing hedging now.
Feed and water container plants.
Top-dress permanent pot plants to refresh the compost.
Supplement container plants with balanced liquid feed every 2-4 weeks to promote healthy growth.
Top Tip:
Optimise your watering regime, watering early and late to get the most out of your water. Start collecting and recycling water whenever possible.
This Month's Key Tips
- Mow lawns weekly.
- Plant out summer bedding towards the end of the month, when the weather gets warmer.
- Open greenhouse vents and doors on warm days.
- Watch out for late frosts. Tender plants will need protecting.
- Water early and late to get the most out of your water, recyle water when possible.
- Check for nesting birds before glipping hedges.