
Other Jobs Around The Garden This November

Encourage hungry birds into your garden by investing in bird baths and bird feeders.

Reuse spent compost from annual container displays as a mulch on you garden beds and borders.

Build a cold frame to protect young plants from extreme winter weather.

Clean out water butts and let the autumn rains refill them. Install a new waterbutt ready for next year.

Net ponds to prevent leaves falling into them. If you need to clear pond weed, lay it next to the pond for a day after removal, to allow wildlife to escape back to the water.

Use the last of the dry weather to paint sheds and fences with preservatives before winter arrives.

Create bins for composting fallen leaves and dead plant material.

Lift and relocate plants if you need to when they are dormant.

Top Tip:

Sweep up debris and fallen leaves from paths and beds to prevent fungal spores, slugs and snails from overwintering.


This Month's Key Tips
  • Plant tulip bulbs for a spring display next year.
  • Clear up fallen leaves - especially from lawns, ponds and plant beds.
  • Plant out winter bedding plants.
  • Keep our feathered friends nourished with bird food.
  • Make sure outdoor pots and containers are protected from frost.