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Create compost bins in preparation for all the fallen leaves and dead plant material which you will collect over the coming months.
Autumn leaves make a great addition to compost bins and are ideal for making leaf mould.
Raise pots off the ground for the winter by using bricks or ‘pot feet’ to prevent water logging.
Clear pond weeds and net your ponds before leaf fall gets underway.
In the greenhouse empty pots of old compost and decaying plant materials, these can harbour unwanted pests in your greenhouse and provide shelter for them over winter, so to reduce the risks of pests and diseases clean out.
Top Tip:
Don’t forget to remove the shading from your greenhouse so that yours plants receive the maximum amount of light.
This Month's Key Tips
- Plant spring flowering bulbs.
- Pick autumn raspberries.
- Plant trees and shrubs in autumn - will give them the best start to let the roots settle in before new spring growth.
- Keep up with watering of new plants.
- Net ponds before leaf fall gets underway.