Wildlife In The Garden In June
Birds need water for drinking and bathing! Water can be hard to find in hot weather, so make sure you’re providing plenty.
Avoid deadheading roses. Let some develop hips for birds to eat in the winter.
Grow bee-friendly plants to provide essential nectar and pollen.
Clean and sterilise feeders and bird tables. Use hanging feeders and ground feeders.
Put out hedgehog food as young will be born soon!
Top Tip:
Make the pond more wildlife-friendly by placing logs and stones around the edge for shelter.
This Month's Key Tips
- Make the pond more wildlife-friendly by placing logs and stones around the edge for shelter.
- Always water potted blueberries with rainwater. The lime in tap water reduces the acidity of the soil over time.
- If your houseplants like humidity, mist them frequently through warm weather days.
- Harvest flower heads from your lavender plants to use in baking, crafting, or as a garnish to your meals.
- Protect crops from carrot fly by covering with horticultural fleece.
- Keep your bird baths topped up with water in hot weather!